Monday, September 19, 2005
The Big Guns pt 1
Real Name: Keith Kendrick
Powers and Equipment: Sentinel can fly at hypersonic and translight speeds, throw fully-loaded oil tankers, and has survived a direct hit by a 5-megaton nuclear device; he is generally recognized as one of the most all-around powerful beings on the planet.
History: Sentinel first appeared in 1944 as a teenager calling himself Kid Superior and aided various other mystery men in the war effort. Despite the existance of other masked heroes, he was one of the first true superhumans and the term 'superhero' was coined with him in mind. In 1950's, he was the first metahuman to be targeted by HUAC as a possible security risk; Senator McCarthy declared Superior's famous 'I Belong To The World' speech as an open endorsement of Communism. Because he was unwilling to give up the identities of his teammates, Superior was almost killed by a rogue military group called Section Six. He quietly disappeared after this incident and years later it was revealed that Section Six had discovered his secret identity and used that information to blackmail him into retirement.
Real Name: unknown
Powers and Equipment: The true extent of Eternal's powers are, like so many things about her, unknown. She has demonstrated a level of power equal at least to Superior and has used her abilities to defeat many world-class threats over the last two decades. She seems unaging, but that's mere speculation. She rarely talks to anyone beyond simple commands or gestures, has never given interviews or accepted invitations, and no-one has a clue as to her origins or motives. She seems as benevolent as most other costumed heroes, though, and her actions have won her respect and cooperation that she rarely seems to even notice. Even her superhero name was pinned on her by newspaper reporter Todd Gray, the only person Eternal has shown the slightest personal interest in.
History: Eternal appeared at a massive chemical spill in Dallas on May 19th, 1987; she aided the local superteam and then moved on to a bus crash in Philidelphia without a word. She has appeared at random all over the world with no detectable pattern to the places she goes or which emergencies she answers.