Saturday, September 17, 2005

Pacific City

The Pacifc City MSA contains more than seven million people total, it's combined incorporations stretching from the northern limit of the Seattle sprawl to just south of the Canadian border and Vancouver.

The stats for incorporated Pacifc City proper:
Mayor: Sandra Chase (to April 2007)
2000 census population (rank): 2,896,016 (3); % change: 4.0; Male: 1,405,107 (48.5%); Female: 1,490,909 (51.5%); White: 2,027,211.28 (70%); Black: 246,161.44 (11%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 28,960.24 (1%); Asian: 347,522.00 (15%); Other race: 72,400.48 (3%); 2000 percent population 18 and over: 73.8%; 65 and over: 10.3%; Median age: 31.5.
2004 population estimate (rank): 2,862,244 (3)
Land area: 227 sq mi. (588 sq km);
Alt.: Highest, 521 ft.; lowest, sea level
Avg. daily temp.: Jan., 40.1° F; July, 65.2° F
Churches: Roman Catholic, 35; Jewish, 12; Protestant, 447; others, 42;
City-owned parks: 552 (7,300 ac.);
Radio stations: AM, 21; FM, 37;
Television stations: 31
Civilian Labor Force (PMSA) April 2005: 4,005,1001;
Unemployed: 248,8001, (6.21%)

Awesome pics! I'd play!
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